Season 1: EPISODE #13
In This Episode: Marriage expert Gary Thomas gives hope for couples when one spouse seems happy with only a superficial relationship. Also, Dr. Mike is "On The Beach," helping us understand the myths we often believe about anger that can cause serious issues in marriage. In addition, Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott give some tips on taking your "Date Night" to the next level.
Season 1: EPISODE #12
In This Episode: Marriage author and researcher Shaunti Feldhahn shares one of her secrets for a "highly happy marriage," dealing with the power of our words. Also, Marriage expert Jimmy Evans highlights the negative impact on a marriage when one spouse is dominant and controlling. In addition, Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott give some advice on LISTENING.
Season 1: EPISODE #11
In This Episode: Marriage author Jay Payleitner tells couples, "Don't be afraid to fall out of love"...huh? Also, Dr. Mike is "On the Beach" and helps us understand what forgiveness is...and what it is NOT. And Neil & Sharol Josephson talk money & marriage.
Season 1: EPISODE #10
In This Episode: Bill & Pam Farrel, authors of the best-selling Men are Like Waffles, Women are Like Spaghetti, help us understand the communications differences between men and women. Also, we are "On the Beach with Dr. Mike" as he highlights a battleground in marriage...our minds!
Season 1: episode #9
In This Episode: Bill & Pam Farrel, authors of the best-selling Men are Like Waffles, Women are Like Spaghetti, help husbands and wives understand and appreciate their differences. Also, popular marriage author and speaker Gary Thomas shares a secret to divorce-proofing your marriage.
Season 1: EPISODE #8
In This Episode: This week, our teachings "On the Beach with Dr. Mike" cover two vital marital behaviours that, according to research, are top predictors of divorce...criticism and defensiveness. Also, author Shaunti Feldhahn shares one of her secrets for a "highly happy marriage."
Season 1: Episode #7
In This Episode: Dr. Caroline Leaf, a Cognitive Neuroscientist, explains how men's and women's brains are wired differently, and she shares how we can actually change our brains. Also, we are "On the Beach with Dr. Mike" as he highlights the importance of "the little things" in marriage.
Season 1: EPISODE #6
In This Episode: We are once again “On the Beach with Dr. Mike” as he highlights the importance of positive thoughts toward your spouse. He also challenges us about how our smart phones...can rob couples of quality time together and hinder emotional intimacy.
Season 1: EPISODE #5
In This Episode: Marriage expert Gary Thomas gives advice on how to protect your marriage, and meet Andy & Stephanie Schoonover...a couple who went through every new parents worst nightmare, yet they found strength in God and each other.
Season 1: EPISODE #4
In This Episode: David & Norma-Jean Mainse share wisdom on dating, marriage and parenting. These video clips were originally shot in 2008 for a 50th wedding anniversary special edition of 100 Huntley Street.
Season 1: EPISODE #3
In This Episode: Our ‘kitchen couples” discuss a two-part teaching “On the Beach” by Psychologist Dr. Mike Ronsisvalle. He shares how we all bring baggage into our marriages, based on our family of origin. However, our past does not have to determine our future.
Season 1: EPISODE #2
In This Episode: Psychologist Dr. Mike Ronsisvalle is “On the Beach” with his teaching about handling conflict in marriage. Also, author and researcher Shaunti Feldhahn shares the importance of just hanging out together as a couple. As usual, our “kitchen couples” serve up a lively discussion on these topics.
Season 1: EPISODE #1
The premier episode of A BETTER US: The Journey After "I Do" with Ron & Ann
In This Episode: The “kitchen couples” discuss a teaching by marriage expert Jimmy Evans about our deepest needs that only God can meet, as well as our love needs that our spouse CAN meet. Featuring the teaching of marriage expert Jimmy Evans.